Activity Report for February 2019

Activity Report for February 2019

Activity Report for February 2019 1

Continuing with a rough go as shown in the activity report for February 2019. At least all hosting issues have been resolved. Both web traffic and sales are still down from last year. And last year wasn’t that great either. I made only one sale for the entire month. This is getting tiresome.


Only one sale for the entire month of February. And it only seems to be getting worse. Amazon is now limiting, even cutting off access to it’s API feed. This is an important link needed to keep prices updated.

With seven of my websites tied to Amazon, this is been disastrous! I’ve had to change pricing from a quoted value to a number of related terms. Like, “best price here” or “discounted price”. It’s not working very well. I want to say more about Amazon’s latest move against it’s associates, but I’ll reserve it for another time.

So it is back to the drawing board. In the meantime, the total sales for February was (drum roll) a meager $1.74


Because of a number of issues I’ve needed to deal with, I haven’t had the time to spend money either. There were no domain renewals. No hosting account renewals. No renewals, period! I also continue to defer Internet service expenses for another month.

So to say I’ve saved spending money is an understatement. Expenses for February were (drum roll) ZERO!

Bottom Line

With dirt cheap income and no expenses for February, I made a profit of $1.74 for the month. But when January is added in, then it becomes a loss for the year thus far. However, March has traditionally been a stronger month for me (fingers crossed).


Web Traffic:

Web traffic improved by 20% from last month. Yet overall, it is still down from last year at this time.

And I am still not tracking the traffic to 4 of my websites because they are not fully functional yet. Once they are completed and added, then traffic results should increase over time.

Article Posts & Reviews:

I continued to skip doing article posts and reviews. Instead, I’ve been working on revamping one website at a time. This will be an ongoing process that will take me into mid to late October before it’s finished.

I only manage to post 3 product reviews with an article for the month for a total of 4. That’s down by 75% from last month.

Email marketing and mail lists:

On hold. Until each site remodeling is completed, email marketing will remain in limbo. So no increase in subscribers. March should start to show improvements when my first site is complete. Each site will be optimized for conversions. Also, the autoresponder is loaded with about 3 months worth of emails that are ready to go.

Activity Report Results

These are the results of my online business activity report for February 2019:

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End of activity report for February 2019.

About Michel

Michel has been actively involved online since 2009. He started Glowball Web Network in October of 2011. He has broad experience including what he achieved from many of the online training programs he’s taken over the years. He’s knows what works and doesn’t work and is willing to share his knowledge with you on this site and partner sites. More importantly, he continually to stay updated since it’s always changing!
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