Activity Report for August 2019

Activity Report for August 2019

activity report for August 2019

August blew by with some surprises. Over the last several years, August has normally been a dead month for my online business. But not this time! Not only did August make money, but it also is one of my top earning months for the year so far. You can see more about it in the activity report for August 2019 below.


Again, Amazon associate sales was the only source of income for the month. Some of my active websites still don’t have anything to promote. Other affiliate programs that I do promote may have become obsolete to the market. And I still have not completely resolved my autoresponder issues. So my email marketing remains dead.

Even though August wasn’t as good as July, it still made an income that put it in the top 3 for the year. Unfortunately, I did break my ongoing streak where each new month did better than the prior one. Also my average commission earning percentage dropped to 6.76%. All told, August’s income was $82.19.


As far as expenses go, August had an unforeseen expense! My business laptop battery died and needed replaced. So I got a replacement. And since I am still waiting for commission payments to catch-up, I not running any ads to draw web traffic which is keeping operating costs down. So my total expenses for the month was $52.98.

Bottom Line

Since I made income in August and kept expenses down, it ended up being a profitable month! The total monthly gain was $29.21. Of course, this is by far from record breaking. And August missed it’s set income goals. Still it was the first time in a long time that August showed a profit!


Web Traffic:

The total average web traffic improved for the month. Yet it only increased by 10.32% over last month. I now have 11 of my 13 active sites being tracked, and only one site met or exceeded its set traffic goal for the month. Two sites did come close to meeting their goal. And the rest are in need of help.

Article Posts & Reviews:

In August, I continued to focus on writing more post reviews and articles. And I succeeded. Even though July was awesome, August smashed it! I ended up publishing 58 posts which is a 65.71% improvement over July. In addition, I continued to work on article posts for several of my other sites that are waiting to been published. My site remodeling schedule is still behind for those sites. But once I get to them, those articles in wait will be published.

My site remodeling progress was virtually non-existent in August. I continue to get further behind schedule. At this point in time, only half of my sites will make it by year’s end. That’s what happens when there is only one of me doing all this.

Email marketing and mail lists:

In a nutshell, my email marketing efforts are dead, dead, dead! Until I can completely resolve my autoresponder issues, it will continue to remain dead. No use gathering email addresses or setting up lead pages and offers until I can get these issues resolved. Or move on to another solution that I can afford.

Activity Report Results

Well, August broke my each new month improvement streak. It now stands at 7 months in a row, which is still a record of sorts for me. Yet August, traditionally a dead month, did make sales for me which I am happy about. So without further ado, here are the results for my online business activity report for August 2019 shown below:

 websitesearnedsales% of sale
 Affiliate Sales$82.19 $1,215.176.76%
 Inhouse Sales$0.00$0.000%
Sub-total:$82.19 $1,215.176.76%
 purchases$52.98office expense/batteries
 services$0.00ISP services deferred
TOTAL: $29.21GAIN 
Blog posts & Reviews5865.71% increase
Page Views (avg per site)240.510.32% increase
 EMAIL LISTS:opt-insprospectsstatus
 TSA0366 On Hold
 iMW0154 On Hold
 BlueMoon0721 No Change

End of activity report for August 2019.

About Michel

Michel has been actively involved online since 2009. He started Glowball Web Network in October of 2011. He has broad experience including what he achieved from many of the online training programs he’s taken over the years. He’s knows what works and doesn’t work and is willing to share his knowledge with you on this site and partner sites. More importantly, he continually to stay updated since it’s always changing!
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